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He came to be like us, so that in the end

15th March 2018: WMC
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From the Manse.....

March this year, takes us on our continuing journey through Lent and right into Holy Week itself, with the last day of the month being Easter Saturday.

In our churches, we ponder on all that Jesus endured and faced as we use this period of Lent for reflection and self-examination. The various services during Holy Week focus our thoughts more directly on those events that took place in Jerusalem that are at the very heart of our faith.

I'd like to commend to you Mark Topping's one man passion play "Impossible God", based on the book written by his father, Frank Topping. It is a powerful tour de force and with just a few simple props, Mark introduces us to a whole host of individual characters who encountered Jesus in the days leading up to his crucifixion and resurrection.

We are very fortunate to be able to stage this event during Holy Week itself and you will find details elsewhere in this newsletter with all the information you will need about this evening event.

It is right that our attention is focussed very much on Jesus at this time and especially so in the days leading up to Easter, as we are reminded of all that he faced and went through.

However, don't let us forget that not only are the events of the passion his story, they are ours too. For they speak of the trials and tribulations of our shared, common humanity.

Ridicule, taunting, name-calling, denial and betrayal are things that speak to our own experience only too well. Likewise, violence, pain, doubt, desolation, loneliness and death are part and parcel of what it means to be human.

In all of these things, Jesus experienced and shared our human lot and this month ends with Jesus dead and in a tomb and all the ramifications of that for his friends and family.

That of course is not the end of the story, but we have to wait for the 1st day of the following month to rejoice in and experience that!

Never let us forget that he came to be like us, so that in the end, we may become like him.

With love and God Bless,


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