In April 2019 our church launched a Community Drop-In Cafe. The cafe happens every Monday morning (including Bank Holidays) in our church hall from 9:00 am and 12 noon.
There is a welcome, coffee, and people to chat with. From June 2022 we will resume our activity tables, with jigsaws and board games, a box of books which people can borrow. It is not a Coffee Morning just a welcome social space for all ages, all abilities, for everyone. There is no charge but any donations go to a charity. In the past we have sent donations to The Fund for Human Need (a small Methodist-affiliated charity established to relieve poverty and hunger), Clean Slate (a charity which supports people with substance abuse), Through the Roof (a charity which supports people with disabilities).
For more details and information, please see June Grunwald or Eileen Rennie
Wantage Methodist Church
Newbury Street
OX12 8DA