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From the earliest days of Methodism, preaching has been an integral part of worship, with the sermon seen as being a highpoint of the service.
It is not by accident that many of the older Methodist Churches and Chapels were dominated by high central pulpits that left nobody in any doubt whatsoever of the importance of the act of preaching.

For it is by proclaiming the written word that we can encounter Him who is the Living Word and consequently find ourselves inspired, challenged, confronted, comforted and transformed.

Whilst the style, format and length of sermons have changed much over the years, the proclamation of the good news, the expounding of the scriptures and its application to our daily lives is still a central part of our services week by week.

Sermons by their very nature are to be heard rather than read, for it is in the act of preaching that they really come alive. The reader is not aware of the subtleties, of the cadences, light, shade or tone that the preacher is able to give to the text.

In the coming months it is hoped to be able to provide video clips of the sermons preached here at Wantage Methodist Church. These will enable those who are no longer able to be present with us in worship to feel part of what is going on, as well as enable those who may have missed a week or two or have moved away, to keep in touch with what is happening here in their absence.

Until then, we will be putting on-line some of the sermons that have been preached here and hope that you will find them inspiring and helpful.

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