Wantage Methodist Church is part of the Wantage and Abingdon Methodist Circuit.
There are another eight churches that make up the Circuit. Along with ourselves, we share our Minister, Keith with Grove Methodist Churches and Childrey Methodist Chapel and he is also the Superintendent Minister of the Circuit.
The new Circuit website can be found at www.wantab.org.uk
Revd Ian Griffiths, is the Presbyter for All Saints and Trinity Churches in Abingdon. Trinity is a Local Ecumenical Partnership with the United Reformed Church.
Revd Jocelyn Bennett, is the Presbyter for Didcot, Milton and Wallingford Methodist Churches.
Deacon Selina Nisbett, is based in Abingdon where her ministry is focused on children and families both in the churches as well as the wider community.
Peachcroft Christian Centre in Abingdon is a four-way Local Ecumenical Partnership between the Church of England, and the Baptist, Methodist and United Reformed Churches. At present they are in an interregnum.
Further details about these churches can be found below.
Grove Methodist Church – Main Street, GROVE OX12 7JY
Childrey Methodist Chapel – High Street, Childrey
Trinity Church – Abingdon – Conduit Road, Abingdon OX14 1DB
All Saints Church – Abingdon – Appleford Drive, Abingdon Oxon OX14 2AQ
Peachcroft Christian Centre – Abingdon – Lindsay Drive, Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 2RT
Didcot methodist Church – The Broadway, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX118RQ
Milton Methodist Church – Milton, Oxfordshire OX14 4EJ
Wallingford Methodist Church – St. Leonard's Square, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 0AR
Wantage Methodist Church
Newbury Street
OX12 8DA