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This too shall pass

7th April 2020: WMC
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This too shall pass – a reverse poem written by Libby, one of our Community Chaplains, designed to be read forwards then backwards.

"This too shall pass"
Is a lie
Life is a waste of time, a waste of energy
I soon realised
There is no end to the suffering we see today
It's foolish to believe that
There is hope through Christ
We know that
How can we go on in our own strength?
Millions of people have died
Billions of lives have been destroyed
In all this
Who cares about the poor?
Who cares about the homeless?
Who cares about the destitute?
We have no time for anyone else
Burdened with our own suffering and pain
Feeling separated from God
There is no space in our hearts
For anyone else
It is only through God's love and grace that we can reverse this


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