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A Methodist Way of Life

1st March 2021: WMC
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A Methodist Way of Life

You may well be asking, what is A Methodist Way of Life?

Well, a Methodist Way of Life is a way of living. It is how we try to live our lives in response to God's love, made known to us in Jesus.

Like the early Christians (Acts 2.42-47), we seek to express what it means to follow Jesus in the regular, practical actions of worship, learning and caring, service and evangelism. 
In this sense, A Methodist Way of Life is both new and old. It is new, in that Methodists first discussed such a way at the 2018 Conference, although it is based on Our Calling, agreed in 2000. That, in turn, was built on what Methodists have always done, since the days of John Wesley, in trying to follow Jesus and live out the Christian faith – just as those first followers in Acts did.

The commitments of A Methodist Way of Life remind us of, and provide a compass for, Christian living.

There will be an open Zoom meeting for anyone in the Circuit on Wednesday 14th April at 7:30pm to find out more about this exciting new venture. The event will be led for us by Michael Wadsworth from the Methodist learning network.

Please let Keith know if you'd like to join in so that he can send you the Zoom link

In the meantime, you can find out more by clicking on this link

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