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The Benevolent Fund

5th July 2018: WMC
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Benevolent Fund

Collections are made for the Church "Benevolent Fund" at Services of Holy Communion and recently the communion stewards have been asked by some newer members and visitors what the fund is for.

The "Benevolence Fund", established by the Methodist Church, is principally for "the relief of poverty and distress" in the local community. The church minister may use it at their discretion to give emergency financial support to individuals or families whether church members or not.

The Methodist Church also requires Church Councils to consider the state of the fund at the first meeting of the connexional year and decide if there is a surplus to expected needs and, if so, how to use it. In practice, at Wantage Methodist Church, we use the surplus to provide donations to local charities and good causes. A list of charities which have benefitted from this can be obtained from the church treasurer.

Our collections for the Fund consist of the loose cash at 9:00am Holy Communion services, and retiring collections at 10:30am Holy Communion services. In addition, any donations made at refreshments after the morning service are added to the Benevolent Fund."

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