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Bible Month 2019

1st October 2018: WMC
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Bible Month 2019

Bible Month 2019 is being relaunched this September by the Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust (LWPT) and the Methodist Church.

Bible Month is an opportunity for churches and individuals to spend four-weeks engaging solely with one book of the Bible. For 2019, the renowned theologian and British New Testament scholar James D G Dunn will be writing notes on the book of Colossians.

The aim of Bible Month is to improve biblical literacy and engagement within churches. The first Bible Month in 2017 focused on the letter of James, and the second, in 2018, on Jonah. Engagement with Bible Month over the last two years has spurred on the expansion of the initiative in 2018. While many churches run Bible Month in June, each church or group can choose any four weeks of the year that suits them best.

The Bible Month magazine is a resource which brings a book of the Bible to life within churches and smaller Christian groups. Each annual magazine includes Bible notes, preaching ideas, small group material and ideas for children and young people.

This year's publication, which will be available online, will bring its readers a deeper understanding of scripture and encourage group Bible study.

Alongside the magazine and online resources, Bible Month training days will be rolled out across UK regions. Training days give participants a deeper insight into the biblical book being studied and opportunities to delve further into preaching and small groups.

Amelia Gosal, Chief Executive of LWPT, said: "It's truly wonderful to have entered into a partnership with the Methodist Church to produce Bible Month magazine, which many churches will agree is a valuable and useful resource. The magazine is a welcome addition to our growing resources supporting preaching and Christians across all denominations."

Jude Levermore, Head of Discipleship and Evangelism for the Methodist Church, said: "Reading the Bible is a basic part of being a Christian. To share and discuss a book from the Bible in depth like this is a great opportunity for fellowship and to deepen our understanding. We're excited to work with LWPT in developing and promoting Bible Month as a key resource for churches wishing to engage more deeply with Scripture."

For more information on the Bible Month initiative, visit: www.preachweb.org/biblemonth


The Bible Month magazine will be distributed at a cost of £1 per copy (not including postage and packaging). A digital version of the magazine will be available to download from www.preachweb.org/biblemonth from January 2019.

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