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Breaking the taboo

5th February 2020: WMC
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Breaking the Taboo – A Circuit initiative looking at Mental Health.

At our last Circuit Meeting there was full support for a Circuit initiative looking at the issues surrounding mental health.

It was agreed that an important first step would be to hold an open meeting to get people together to talk and share.

We are pleased to be able to say that this initial meeting will be on Sunday 15th March at Wantage Methodist Church starting at 3:00pm.

The afternoon will be led by Revd Stephen Normanton, a Methodist Presbyter and also founder of Peer Talk – Stephen will facilitate our thinking and conversation in two sessions and our time together will conclude with an act of worship, there will be no evening services in our Circuit that evening.

"Peer Talk, facing depression together" is a growing charity and one that has received Connexional funding from the Methodist Church, you can find out more about Peer Talk and Stephen's story can at http://www.peertalk.org.uk

We look forward to seeing you on 15th March.

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