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Church re-opening for Sunday worship

2nd December 2020: WMC
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easter morning

Sunday Worship

We are pleased to be able to let you know that we will resume using the chapel for worship each Sunday at 10:30 am from December 6th.

These services will last for around 30/40 minutes.

To help us plan for the services and to help us ensure we keep everyone as safe as possible , please would note the following:

*Please book ahead each week to attend worship by telephoning or emailing Clive & Alison Phillips on 01235 760335 or by email to candaphillips@gmail.com by Friday lunch time before the Sunday. Clive and Alison will reply to answer machine messages or emails to confirm that the place has been reserved

*Please observe social distancing.

*Please sanitise your hands on entry.

*Please scan the Wantage Methodist Church QR code for the NHS-Covid19 app displayed at the entrances if you have the app.

*If you wish to use a Bible and hymn book, we encourage you to bring your own wherever possible.

*Please bring your own cushion and bottled water with you if you need them.

*You will need to keep your coats etc. with you.

*You should wear a face covering whilst in church. Some people are exempt from wearing a face covering for various reasons and will not be required to do so while attending worship.

*Sadly we may not sing.

*There will be no creche, Junior Church or Kids@Church for the time being.

*Should you require to use the toilet at any time, please speak to the "Link" door steward.

*You should sanitise your hands as you leave.

*There will be a basket for any offering you wish to be make either on your way in or way out.

*When the service has ended, please leave promptly in an orderly fashion so as to maintain social distancing.

For those who are unable to come to church or who would rather worship at home, we will also continue to provide Zoom Sunday services at 10:30am, circulate the reflective order of worship for use at home and have an act of worship on the Circuit YouTube channel.

Please look after yourselves and stay safe.

Love and God Bless

Keith and the Church Stewards.

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