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Community Cafe

24th November 2019: WMC
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We are reaching the end of 2019 and are pleased to report that this venture continues to provide a needed and much appreciated service. People attending can sit and enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles, an assortment of table games and colouring books. We also have a box of books which you are welcome to pick yourself some good reading
from to enjoy at home. Coffee, tea or soft drinks, cake and biscuits are available between 9 am and 12 noon every Monday. Donations for the Methodist affiliated charity, Fund for Human Need, to date have raised £1,164.35. We are busy now organising our Christmas tree for the Christmas Tree Festival at Dickensian weekend and looking forward to the upcoming Christmas events and services at Church. Please note we will be open on 23rd and 30th December. On 23rd December, we will spend some time singing carols. Do come and join us. We thank our 21 volunteers for their continued support in signing up for duties. If you are interested in becoming involved as a volunteer, please ask us about what is involved. The rotas for November, December and January are on the notice board outside the Parlour. Why not come along and join us? We look forward to welcoming you. For further information please see either Eileen Rennie or June Grunwald.

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