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Dementia Friendly Church

28th March 2018: WMC
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Dementia Friendly Church

Wantage Methodist Church has now been registered with the Alzheimer's Society's Dementia Friends programme, which is the biggest ever initiative to change people's perceptions of dementia. It aims to transform the way the nation thinks, acts and talks about the condition.

As part of our commitment to this important work, there will be a dementia awareness evening on Wednesday 18th April in the church itself from 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm.

This will be a general introduction to dementia and how it affects people, how we as a church and as individuals can best respond, the kind of things to do and say as well as those things that would not be helpful to do or say. We will be looking at what is good practice for a church seeking to be dementia friendly and looking at practical steps etc.

This training session will be ecumenical with staff and volunteers from Cornerstone and members of Grove Free Evangelical Church also joining us.

We are delighted that the evening will be led for us by Louise Morse who works for the Pilgrims' Friend Society, and is herself an author of several books on Dementia.

This event is open to all, to those who wish to find out more, who have an interest in Dementia or whose lives have been touched by it.

As we look to ensure that as a church we are as dementia friendly as possible, it will be of particular help to pastoral visitors, church stewards, door stewards, and those who help at church lunches etc.

To help with the planning and the practicalities of the evening, it would be useful to know if you are coming, so please let Keith know.

Thank you.

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