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Foodbank latest news

3rd July 2019: WMC
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Firstly, thank you for all your support over the past few months -whether that be in giving time to deliver parcels, collect food, organise shelves, or donations of money or food, and of course your prayers.

We are immensely grateful for all the support we receive. As a reminder, If you do give money we are now able to gift aid it – if you are eligible – gift aid forms are available from our treasurer Debbie Hooker – again email the foodbank if you would like one. (And a reminder please make cheques payable to Wantage & Grove Foodbank).

May was a bumper month where we delivered 54 parcels – our busiest month since we started nearly 10 years ago!! And whilst this is great that we can serve and bless our community in this way – demonstrating the love of God practically it presents us with some challenges. Please could you pray and ask in your churches for the following:

MORE VOLUNTEERS – we are really stretched at the moment and could particularly do with help on Mondays and on Friday afternoons (but there are gaps on other days too). We usually ask volunteers to commit to a fortnightly delivery slot – they would always be with another person – or perhaps two friends could volunteer together even if people would like to try it out for a few months they would be a huge blessing.

WEEKLY SHOPPER – currently our donations of food are not keeping up with our deliveries – we need someone who would be willing to shop for us on a regular basis (and perhaps help label and shelve the food too).

PHONE VOLUNTEER – having an extra person to man the foodbank phone would be a great blessing to the team. Full support and training would be given.

Now that we have moved, and given the numbers of requests increasing, we now need to recruit more volunteers to man the phone, carry out the deliveries and keep an eye on the stock levels (if you know anyone who might be interested please encourage them to get in touch).

Foodbank Move:
We have now moved the FoodBank stores to the storeroom at the Kings Centre Shop (opposite Sainsburys).We had an amazing team of volunteers who helped move stock from the Beacon to the Kings centre. We would like to give a big thank you to all of those who helped in whatever way and to the Baptist Church for their support to Foodbank, offering us this great space in the King Centre. In particular to Philip Lambert, Mhairi Lennard and Richard Welton for their support with the move. A special thank you to Richard who has worked miracles with making space in the store room to enable Foodbank to move in.

We will be providing name badges for all volunteers and a parking permit will be available to put in your car when parking at the Kings Centre.

We are looking forward to the summer and are planning to once again deliver summer parcels to families whose children would normally be entitled to free school meals. The plan is to deliver 2 parcels per family over the summer – we will be adding these to the usual deliveries – hopefully spreading them out across the week so that no-one has to do too many.

We will be send out a newsletter with harvest requests shortly – if you would like one of those for your church please let me know.

If you have any questions or comments please do email us at wantageandgrovefoodbank@gmail.com

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