We do want to take this opportunity to thank you so much for all your support over the previous year. For those of you who like figures and pictures – please see below for our parcel distribution for last year.
We are looking forward to 2020 and as you may be un-surprised to know January has started off quite busy as well – we we will have delivered 33 parcels by the end of the month.
We are as always overwhelmed by people's kindness and generosity both in the giving of time, money and food. We have hugely appreciated all of the churches who have collected food be it for harvest / reverse advent calendars or by some other means.
We are grateful for all the churches who have donated food or money and whose members give of their time to serve and bless our community through the work of foodbank, be it delivering parcels, organising our store room, shopping, manning the phone and many of the other jobs required to keep the food bank running smoothly.
Those who are recipients of foodbank parcels are very grateful and thankful for all you do – if you have ideas for how we can do things better – please do let us know.
Any Questions or comments do get in touch.
kind regards D Townsend
Wantage Methodist Church
Newbury Street
OX12 8DA