All We Can – Harvest Festival 2017 and onwards!
This year our focus for Harvest will be supporting the work of All We Can (previously known as the Methodist Relief & Development Fund) in their harvest initiative "Chirp for Joy".
We will find out how chickens can radically change the lives of some of the world's poorest communities.
Special All We Can harvest envelopes will be available closer to the time, for you to place your donations and offerings in.
But our support for All We Can won't stop there – for we have signed up with them to be a partner church for the whole of this Connexional year, (2017/18) and will use our Harvest as an opportunity to launch this new initiative.
By becoming an All We Can Partner Church, we will receive resources and support for to enjoy and use throughout the year:
A special welcome pack and further resources for the months beyond Harvest.
Regular news and messages from the poor communities which your support is impacting, with a focus on Zimbabwe (for 2017/2018)
Invitations to exclusive and engaging events
Regular worship materials to keep you inspired An engaging speaker to visit your church
A dedicated person from All We Can to be your point of contact
As an All We Can Partner Church we have agreed to journey with a community for a minimum of a year, and to raise at least £1,000 over that period.
Find out more by coming along to our Harvest Service on 24th September and until then, please remember that the All We Can Partner Church scheme, is an effective way for us to journey with some of the world's poorest communities in love and solidarity.
Wantage Methodist Church
Newbury Street
OX12 8DA