Our next Holy Habit will be "Biblical Teaching" and will start in February. As with previous Holy Habits, one service per month will be focusing on this issue.
The novels linked to this theme that you might like to read include;
The Da Vinci Code – by Dan Brown – Transworld 2003
"Are there books which have challenged your relationship with Biblical Teaching?" and "How can we respond to this and similar novels?"
The shadow of the Galilean – Gerd Theissen SCM Classic 2010
"How can a broader understanding of biblical times help our engagement with Biblical Teaching?"
The Neverending Story – Michael Ende – Puffin 1983
"How have you known Jesus calling you through the Bible to step into his story, and let your experience of him become part of the story of your life?"
The film we will be watching (date tbc) is "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"
Wantage Methodist Church
Newbury Street
OX12 8DA