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Housing justice Group

6th March 2017: WMC
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Housing Justice group

The number of toiletry items donated for use by those who are homeless in Oxford was overwhelming! A huge 'THANK YOU' for all the gifts.

By the time you read this, many will have been used by men and women using the facility that was opened up by a charity using St Aldate's church. For the whole of February this church opened its doors every night for those seeking a safe space to sleep – not just on the coldest of nights.

O'Hanlon House is often full at this time of year and so this has offered additional facilities for those who would otherwise be on the streets. Any surplus toiletries will be donated to the homeless projects in Oxford, of which there are several.

Rest assured that the gifts will be welcomed and not having to spend money on such essentials will help each of the projects prioritise spending their precious funds to help those they serve.

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