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Keep the date free!

18th September 2017: WMC
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Saturday 20th January 2018. Keep the date free and put it in your diary!

As part of our response to the challenge set to all the Circuit Churches from the Circuit Leadership team and the Methodist Connexion to look at who we are, our plans for the future, what our priorities should be, how to be more intentional in all that we do and where we see ourselves in three years time etc, there will be a church away-day on Saturday 20th January from 10:00am – 4:00pm.

We are hoping that as many people as possible from the whole church family will be able to attend and help us think about and plan for the exciting future that lies ahead.

There will be activities for our children (also looking at the same themes) lead by people from other churches in our Circuit, in order that those who week by week faithfully lead our Junior Church, crèche and Kids@Church can be free to fully participate in the day.

The venue and the actual programme are still being worked on, and there will be further details in due course, but for now, we encourage everyone to make a note of the date, put it in your diary and come and join us.

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