1003 angels were blessed at a service in December and then distributed to local care homes and also around Wantage. The woollen hatsthat decorated the Knit & Chat Christmas Tree have been sent to The Mission forSeafarers. Thank you to all those who helped knit, label or distribute angels and hats.
Many of the group have already begun knitting the 2025 host of angels and we canalso continue with knitting hats.
Knit and Chat usually meet on the first and third Mondays of the month. The next meetings will beon Monday 3rd February and Monday 17th February at 2 pm in the Hall.
Looking forward to seeing you then with the project you are currently working on.
If you need wool, have any other queries about the group, pleace contact Carolyn.
Wantage Methodist Church
Newbury Street
OX12 8DA