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Latin Link Coffee Morning

3rd February 2017: WMC
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Coffee Morning 25th February 2017 10:00 am – 12 noon


As most of you are aware, Zack and Jordan Smith leave in early March for their gap year in Ecuador and Colombia where they will be working with Latin Link, a Christian Organization working with the disadvantaged in Latin America.

The Project is called Steps.

In Pedernales (Ecuador) they will help building schools / homes / churches after the devastation caused by the earthquake in April last year.

They will also be teaching the children English and other activities. In Medellin (Colombia) they will work with the children and the church doing some street evangelisation with music and drama.

They are both most grateful for the support they have already been given by the church.

This will be a final effort for us to help.

We would welcome donations of cakes or other produce to sell.

Zack and Jordan would also like to take gifts for the children there and are thinking of items such as school supplies for the children, card games like 'UNO', arts and crafts, t-shirts with English writing, chocolate and tea bags for the leaders, postcards showing the town etc.

We also intend to have a raffle so if you could donate a prize that would also be most acceptable.

If you would like to help in any of these ways please let Gloria Smith or Eileen Rennie know.

Most of all please come along on the day to support the cause.

Jordan and Zack regret that they won't be able to attend this morning as they need to attend an orientation weekend in London but they are very grateful for your kindness and generosity.

More details about Latin Link can be found by going to https://www.latinlink.org.uk

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