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New District Chair

2nd February 2017: WMC
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With the current Chair of the Northampton District, Revd Peter Hancock moving on at the end of August, the District Nomination Committee agreed on the process of asking the Secretary of Conference to approach a person with the relevant skills to fulfil this role.

He did so and the Rev. Helen Cameron, currently Assistant Secretary of Conference, came to meet with the committee just before Christmas. The committee explored with Helen her gifts and skills as well as her understanding of ministry and mission and her connexional experience.

The committee concluded that she would be a very good match to the needs of the District and unanimously nominated her to the District Executive. The Executive met on 18 January, and voted unanimously to adopt this nomination and send it forward to Synod and eventually to Conference for formal approval.

The District has expressed its appreciation for the work of the Nomination Committee and especially it's convenor Roy Slocombe in enabling this process, and is sure that we will offer our support to Helen when, subject to Synod and Conference, she eventually takes up the post.

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