We now have a PRAYER BOX on the outside wall near the double doors to the Hall building, There is a poster with the words:
"Would you like us to pray for you?
It doesn't matter how big or small your prayer is, God can help"
We are following the lead taken by Grove who set up a Prayer Box on their building. There has been an encouraging take-up by people walking past their Church. The invitation is for anyone to place their request into the Prayer Box, and our promise is to respond by praying for them. Preachers and Worship Leaders will be notified and asked to include the requests in their prayers of intercession. In addition, we would like to set up a prayer support group, so that volunteers who would like to be part of it will receive information via WhatsApp or email. Confidentiality rules will, of course, be agreed in advance
Please send Ann Barber a WhatsApp or email message if you would like to be part of the group, or let any of the Stewards know. We hope that this can become a helpful form of community outreach, and that many of our church family will wish to be part of it.
Wantage Methodist Church
Newbury Street
OX12 8DA