Schools' Prayer Connect Group at St John's Church Grove
7:30 – 9:00 pm in St John's Rooms, Grove Parish Church, on the fourth Wednesday of each new term – September, January and April
First Meeting on Wednesday 27th September Refreshments from 7:30 pm
All welcome.
We are, ideally, looking for representatives from each local school, as well as anyone who would like to pray for local schools.
We are especially keen to find someone with a link to Stockham School in Wantage, who may be willing to be involved in some way. They do not need to attend three times a year (although they can and are most welcome); we hope to find someone to liaise with each school prior to the meetings.
Further details available from John Wilson – Schools' Prayer Connect Group dates for this academic year:
Wednesday 27th September 2017
Wednesday 24th January 2018
Wednesday 25th April 2018
This is a one-year trial. If the group is well supported, it will hopefully continue. Please do tell friends and church members about this.
Helen Harwood
Wantage Methodist Church
Newbury Street
OX12 8DA