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Spiritual care during older age

6th March 2017: WMC
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Workshop on spiritual care and support during old age, at the end of life and in dementia

Wantage Community Church is organising a morning workshop on spiritual care and support during old age, at the end of life and in dementia.

Louise Morse from the Pilgrims Friend Society is coming to lead the morning, along with some other experts in this field. Louise is a writer and speaker and has published a number of significant books on dementia.

All of us, our friends, and our families will all die, most of us will also grow old, and every three minutes someone in the UK develops dementia.

We all need to be better equipped to walk with people through these challenging times. The world has few answers and has little hope to offer in these situations, but Jesus can make all the difference.

I do hope some of you will be able to join us as it should be a very inspiring and empowering time.

The workshop is on Saturday 11th March, starting at 10:00 am and finishing at around 1:00 pm, at The Kings Centre in Osney Mead, Oxford. Parking available. directions at www.kingscentre.co.uk/find-us

There is a suggested donation of £5 to attend to cover our speaker's expenses.Please pass details of the workshop on to anyone who may be interested.

Please email Liz Neve at elizabeth@neve.co.uk if you would like to attend, or would like any further information.

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