Statement from the London District Chairs on the recent murders in London
Recent spate of murders in London affecting largely young people and inflicted through stabbings and gun crime.
We are deeply saddened by the recent spike in murders within the Greater London area. As we write this, the news is breaking that two men in East London have been murdered, one of whom is said to be only eighteen years old. This brings those murdered to over 50 in London this year. In this holy period of Easter our hearts go out to all the families affected and we offer support and prayers at this difficult time.
We wish to call on the Mayor of London, government, civic bodies, churches and the Metropolitan Police to unite in condemning these acts of violence and to work together with us on finding ways to tackle this murderous scourge that is threatening the peace and economic stability of our great city.
Now is the time for us to work together to enable our London community to curb this unnecessary rise in murders, which reflect a general increase in violent crime. We believe that the cutting of youth services and of police numbers across London Boroughs contributes to a breakdown of social cohesion and results in lack of places for young people to turn when they need support.
One death is one too many! To reach a total of over fifty leaves us weeping alongside those who have lost love ones. We must act together to preserve human life and dignity.
O Lord of health and life,
come now in your grace and cover us with your love and protection;
Speak calmness into our fears and heal us from the scourge of pain and death.
Visit your kindness upon all affected by the murders in London and comfort them in their time of need; this we pray and ask,
in the healing name of our risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; amen.
Chairs of District for the Methodist Church in London
Revd Nigel Cowgill, Revd Michaela Youngson, Revd Dr Jongi Zihle
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