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Stepping out

16th February 2017: WMC
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Stepping out, is a writing competition inspired by the life, writing and work of Revd Julie Hulme.

You are invited to submit a meditative or reflective piece of writing on the theme of 'Stepping Out' in prose or poetry, maximum 500 words. This must be an original piece of work, not previously published either in print or electronically.

The competition is open to British residents, male and female, aged 16 or over, other than relatives of the organisers or judges. You may submit up to three entries. The closing date is midnight on Wednesday 19 April 2017.

There will be a prize of £150 for the winner and a runner-up prize of £50. The winner and runner-up will be announced on Friday 23 June 2017 at a fringe event of the Methodist Conference to be held in Birmingham.

Further information and submission details are available to download by clicking on the pdf icon at the top of the this page.

About Julie Hulme:

Julie was a Methodist minister and a prolific writer. She was the last President of Women's Network in 2010-11, becoming the first Vice-President of MWiB in 2011-12. Julie's approach to prayer was always enquiring and explorative, asking basic questions such as "What works for me in prayer?" and "What doesn't?" and most important of all, "Why?" and "Why not?"

She explored forms of spirituality developing outside the Church, especially as these related to the building of confidence; how 'everyday' faith empowers us; how such 'everyday' faith is related to various aspects of contemporary culture and how a greater understanding of 'everyday' faith can revitalise Christian spirituality. Her main method of research was to pay close attention to her own responses, explore the ideas in relation to the Bible and express what she was discovering in writing and in art.

She died of cancer in early 2014 in her mid-50s, leaving behind a rich legacy in the form of her writings on the theme of Abundance.

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