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Tuesday afternoon house group

11th February 2020: WMC
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Tuesday Afternoon House Group

In December we studied The York Course for Advent "Who are we praying to?" In January we began by reflecting on what had been the highlights of Advent and/or Christmas for each of us, followed by sharing our favourite, hymn, reading or verse and why it was special to us. Esther Miller came to talk to us about The Elizabeth Letter and in the final week we finished the final session of Acts 13-28.

In February Mary Spalding and Val Broadbent have both offered to lead a session so we are looking forward to that.

Looking forward we will begin our Lent Study on Tuesday 3rd March. This year we will again be using the York Course which this year is "Superstar". The booklet is written by Bishop David Wilbourne. The contributors on the CD are, Simon Stanley, Canon Emeritus at York Minster who introduces the participants and puts the questions to them, Carmody Grey, Assistant Professor of Catholic Theology at Durham University, Catherine Fox, Author and Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing at Manchester Metropolitan University, Steve Chalke MBE, Baptist Minister and Author and Stephen Wigley, Chair of the Wales Synod of the Methodist Church who leads the closing reflections.

Alison Phillips will also be leading a Lent Group. If you would like a copy of the booklet please let me (Eileen Rennie) know as soon as possible.

The details for February are as follows:
4th Mary Spalding will lead a session on The Visited Planet. The reading is John 1:1-14.
This meeting includes the Monthly Prayer Meeting.

11th Val Broadbent will lead a session on Mercy Ships. The reading is Matthew 25:31-46

18th No Meeting – School Holiday

25th A Bright Yellow Light, Nadin Ednan-Laperhouse talks to Emily Buchanan about his extraordinary religious experience. The Reading is Acts 2:14-21

We can assure you of a very warm welcome if you would like to join us for any of our meetings.

I would be delighted to talk to you if you would like to find out more about this group.

We meet at 50 Warmans Close from 1:30 to 3:15 pm. You can contact me (Eileen Rennie) by telephone on 01235 224284 or email: m.rennie50@ntlworld.com or talk to me at Church.

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