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Visit of Secretary of Conference

23rd November 2018: WMC
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Visit of Revd Gareth Powell, Secretary of the Methodist Conference

At our last Circuit Meeting in September, it was decided that we should hold an additional Circuit Meeting every year. Not, I hasten to add one that was for or about business, but rather an inspirational evening, where we invite someone to come along to speak to us.

We are delighted to be able to inform you that Revd Gareth Powell, the Secretary of the Methodist Conference, has readily agreed to come and be the inaugural speaker at our first additional and inspirational Circuit Meeting.

Gareth will be coming to inspire, challenge and encourage us as a Circuit. Churches and individuals as he helps us to look again and re-examine "Our Calling" and what it means and represents in the life of the Methodist Church today.

This meeting will be held at Wantage Methodist Church on Wednesday 9th January 2019 at 7:30pm.

This is an open meeting and not just for Circuit Meeting members, everyone is very welcome .

So do come along to hear Gareth and here's to a great evening!

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