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Wantage Come & Sing Messiah

1st February 2017: WMC
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come and sing

Wantage Come and Sing Messiah

10th anniversary Saturday 11 February 2017

The Beacon, Wantage (formerly Wantage Civic Hall)

Please come and join us in celebrating our one-off special 10th anniversary Come and Sing. If you don't want to sing, please come to the evening performance – it will be worth listening to.

Over the years we have raised over £10,000 for different charities, (including Project 21), and this year we would like to donate to all the charities we have supported over the years (Breast Cancer Now – formerly Breakthrough Breast Cancer, Sobell House, CAFOD, Singing for the Brain, SeeSaw, Prostate Cancer UK, Thames Valley Air Ambulance), so we need lots of support to make this possible.

Musical director, Paul Leddington Wright – best known as principal conductor for BBC Songs of Praise
Chamber orchestra
Excellent young soloists
Day-time choral workshops
Evening public performance
Celebratory dinner at Wantage Methodist Church
Fundraising for charities

For further details and booking forms, please contact Gordon and Gill (Tel: 01235 766655, email: wantage.messiah@gmail.com )

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