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12th February 2020: WMC
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YMOSES (Youth Meeting On Sunday EveningS)

YMOSES – It was good to meet again in January, the last time being our social in December when all the young people brought friends along to church for games, pizza and a film.

It was a joy to welcome Alice and Kara to the group for the first time. After a few games we shared together about our Christmas holidays and then talked in groups about 3 Generate (the Methodist young peoples' conference in November) sharing our highlights and ideas for a future service led by Keith.

In February we will be discussing what we and our churches can do to reduce our carbon footprint – watch this space!

Our future dates are 9th February, 8th March, 10th May, 14th June and 12th July. From now on we will be meeting at James, Emily and Alice's home.

For more information about this friendly, informal, faith-based discussion group for young people please give me a ring – Jane Kent, 01235 765421

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