In the last full week of June, Liz and I became proud tenants of our first ever allotment plot! I have to say it is all very exciting.
Having been told we were on a waiting list, the phone call from the Town Council came relatively quickly inviting us to have a look at a plot on the Grove Road site that had just become vacant. We went to inspect it that very evening.
Needless to say, the plot was overgrown, but not excessively so and as we walked around it seemed obvious to us that it had been well cared for until relatively recently. This was confirmed by a couple of conversations we had with other tenants who were on site at the time watering and tending their own plots.
We emailed the Town Council back the very next day, paid our £25 bond by Bank Transfer and within 24 hours were told it was ours and we could begin cultivating it.
As I went back to take some measurements and have a closer inspection, I was struck by a few things as I surveyed what had now become ours, (albeit in trust).
First, how friendly everyone is. We had a number of conversations with those we met in person offering encouragement and advice. Likewise, similar conversations via social media, with suggestions and video links informing us how to double dig and the benefits of green manure. We have been welcomed with open arms.
Our plan is that it won't be that long before our plot looks very different to how it does now, undergoing something of a transformation that will be obvious to all those who walk past. This second thought is 'earthed' in the reality of how we constantly see signs of transformation all around us. 'Changed from glory into glory', is not exclusively for use in church and is as applicable in the seasonal pattern of a garden or an allotment as it is when singing 'Love divine all loves excelling' marvelling as we do on God's love and grace as like Simon, son of John, we find ourselves transformed from 'you are' to 'you will be'.
Lastly, we have been told by a number of our new allotment neighbours that the chap who had the plot before, looked after it really well and was renowned for his onions. No pressure then! Actually when you stop to think about is, there isn't any at all – because we are not him and we will play to our strengths and do things our way (no doubt making many mistakes along the way). As in gardening, so too in faith, church and the rest of life, for we need to be true to ourselves and not try to be someone else. For we are loved and valued for who we are and not for who we'd rather be!
So, we have books to read, 'YouTube' videos to watch, lessons to learn and hands to get dirty.
We will keep you posted!
Love and God Bless
Wantage Methodist Church
Newbury Street
OX12 8DA