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Good Stewards

1st October 2016: KU
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grand canyon

Roosevelt Point is about a fifteen-minute drive from the Grand Lodge on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Still inside the Grand Canyon National Park, it has spectacular views of the Canyon itself.

Needless to say, it is a favourite photo stop for all those that visit the area.

There is a bronze plaque to commemorate both the visit of Theodore Roosevelt, (the 26th President of the United States) and all his efforts towards the preservation of the Grand Canyon. It also reminds visitors of what he said during a visit there in 1903; "Leave it as it is. You cannot improve on it. The ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it. What you can do is to keep it for your children and your children's children and for all who come after you as the one great sight which every American...should see"

The former President reminds us of the fact that we do have the knack of spoiling what God has made – our efforts at being good custodians and caretakers of this wonderful planet are woefully poor and the devastating effects of climate change and global warming are a direct consequence of our greed and our inability to think about the consequences of our actions.

As I write this, I have just returned from dropping Becca off at Didcot railway station, minutes before it was completely flooded and all trains into London cancelled. We drove through a downpour of Biblical proportions as the South of England suffered thunderstorms, torrential rain and flash-floods.

The extreme weather conditions we are now facing are forcing us to take notice and at last we are beginning to wake up to the very real dangers that we face, but is it a case of too little, too late?

The church has a moral obligation to remind the world and indeed ourselves of the need to take care of the planet we have been given and to remember that God has entrusted us with a remarkable gift. Sustainability must be the watchword for the earth's resources are fast running out.

There are signs of hope though; with organisations such Christian Aid, All We Can, Water Aid and many others not only reminding us of the need to change, but also transforming communities directly effected by global warming and making a real difference to those who are suffering.

Governments can pass laws and legislation, pressure groups can raise issues and tell us what needs to be done, but making a difference begins with you and me and there is much we can do to help. Lasting change always has to start with the individual.
I'm reminded of those words of Revd Fred Pratt Green, who wrote:
"Earth is the Lords': it is ours to enjoy it,
Ours, as his stewards, to farm and defend.
From its pollution, misuse and destruction,
Good Lord deliver us, world without end!

With love and God Bless this Harvest time,


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