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It's on the way!

15th February 2019: WMC
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From the Manse........

There are signs of new life all around us, the days are lengthening, snowdrops, crocuses, and daffodils are coming in to flower and the birds are singing. Spring is on its way, but not here yet, it is definitely coming although we will have to wait a bit longer before we can fully enjoy it.

With Spring not officially arriving until 20th March, we find ourselves living in the waiting times between the end of February and winter and the early weeks of the third month.

We eagerly await all that is to come with the promise of spring.

However, we must not forget the importance of living in the present even as we look to what is still to come, otherwise, we miss all that is around us and the joy of the immanent and the here and now. An unexpected warm day, the beauty of the blackbird's song, a sunrise or sunset, or the enjoyment of a noticeably lighter evening can take us by surprise.

Lent which begins this month, is also about living in the waiting times. As we look forward in anticipation to the joy of Easter and the message of resurrection, we do so in these days of preparation, reflection, prayer, fasting, self-examination, study and self-denial.

Just as there can be no short cuts to spring, (we have to pass through the in-between times of waiting), so too with Easter. There can be no short cuts to resurrection you have to arrive there via Lent and the cross.

Lent forces us to face up to the hard questions of life, to reflect on our relationship with God, our pilgrimage of faith and how we translate that into practice, living out what we believe in and hope for in the church and the world.

Lent also, is for living in the immanent and the present and of allowing ourselves to be suddenly and unexpectedly surprised by God in the here and now. If we look only towards Easter we will miss out on all that God wants to show and teach us in this Lenten-tide.

As we await the arrival of spring in all its fullness and beauty, as we await the arrival of Easter, may we make the most of the everyday that surrounds us and in it be surprised by the one who gives us life.

With love and God Bless


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