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What next?!

15th May 2019: WMC
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From the Manse...

What happens next?

Well, that is down to us and is both the question and the challenge asked of you and me when we come to the end of the Easter story as told in the four Gospels.

Matthew's Gospel has Jesus sending the disciples out to all people to baptise and teach, and Mark's in a similar fashion, to go throughout all the world and preach the Gospel.

Luke's account speaks of the disciples being witnesses to Jesus and to him telling them to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit and in John's Gospel, we have the recommisioning of Peter and the call once more to follow Jesus.

It is interesting to note that both Mark's and John's Gospels have additional endings to how their original resurrection accounts finished, re-enforcing as they do the need to go out into the world and to follow.

The truth is, that how the Easter story continues and what happens next, is down to us, as individuals and as a church. We are to be the ones who live out the truth of the resurrection and to show how lives are transformed, hope kindled and love shared.

We are to be the living embodiment of the good news of Easter that we have just celebrated together.

In the same way, the Northampton District's annual children's and youth event, Acts 29 held in February does the very same thing. Why call it Acts 29? Well because the Book of Acts, (Luke's second instalment and follow up to his Gospel account) only has 28 chapters.
Acts 29 is the next step and is a reminder to those who attend that now it is down to them how the story continues and what happens next!

Easter Day may well have now passed and the chocolate eggs all eaten but how things go forward is down to you and me!

With much love and God Bless


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