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The Woman who fell to earth

9th October 2018: WMC
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Written for the Abingdon Herald October 2018

The woman who fell to earth

Balancing on the gantry of a high-rise crane soaring above the city of Sheffield, Jodie Whittaker challenges T'zim-Sha, the latest alien who brings death and destruction to our planet.

Facing each other in a classic 'Western' stand off, suspended above the ground, she says to him; "We are capable of the most incredible change. We can evolve whilst still staying true to who we are. We can honour who we've been and chose who we want to be next. Now's your chance, how about it?"

Much of this first episode of the brand new series of Dr. Who finds the Time-Lord struggling with the after effects of regeneration, as her body takes on a new form and passes from death to life.

Yet by the time she challenges T'zim-Sha at the climax of the show and he asks of her, "Who are you?" Jodie is able to confidently declare; "Yes! I'm glad you asked me that again! A bit of adrenaline, a dash of outrage and a hint of panic knitted my brain back together. I know exactly who I am, I am the Doctor!"

Early on in John's Gospel Andrew, who had previously met Jesus brings his bother Simon-Peter to see the One he has decided to follow. Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas" (which, when translated, is Peter).

Jesus saw in Simon-Peter his full potential and all that he would become. Although it is not until the every end of the Gospel that Peter is able to fulfill that promise and it was far from an easy road for him to take. For the way of transformation from Simon son of John to Peter, was full of highs and lows that included moments of great insight and clarity as well as rejection and denial.

There are those moments in all our lives when we wonder if we have meaning and who we really are. Times perhaps when we don't particularly like what we have done or who we have become.

Whether we are those of faith or not, each new day is a gift where we have a choice and the opportunity to start anew and begin afresh.

Those words of Jodie Whittaker are a challenge to all;
"We are capable of the most incredible change. We can evolve whilst still staying true to who we are. We can honour who we've been and chose who we want to be next. Now's your chance, how about it?"

We are all challenged to make that journey from who we are to who we are called to be!

I'm not a Dr. Who aficionado, but I thought the woman who fell to earth makes for a great Doctor!

Love and God Bless,


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